Thursday, June 5, 2008

Top 10 Marketing Issues

(Essential Questions to Ask Yourself)

  • Think from the customer's point of view
    • What solution are you providing to them?
    • Why did they come into your store?
    • What is it that you can do that will make them not walk out still needing it?
  • Talk benefits, not features
    • What is the benefit of what you do?
    • What does the customer need that for?
    • What do you know that they don't that they will benefit from knowing?
  • Focus on getting the right customers
    • Who is NOT a good customer for me?
    • Who is my perfect customer?
    • Where are they?
  • Decide on a budget and use it
    • What is the industry standard for marketing budgets for your business?
    • What will get you the most return per dollar?
  • Don't sell – help people buy
    • What questions can I ask that are actually about allowing my customers to understand?
    • What information am I giving out that is not relevant to solving a problem?
  • Have a cohesive message
    • Is the customer getting the same message in your store that you gave them in your ads?
    • Are your main benefits clear in every interaction with a customer?
  • Study your business
    • What things are changing in your business?
    • What is your competition doing well that you can emulate or do better?
  • Measure and react
    • What happened the last time you advertised?
    • What can you use that information for to make better choices next time?
  • Don't stop when it starts working
    • How are you planning to continue marketing as you get busy with the effective marketing you have done?
    • Are you going to grow your marketing budget as sales grow?
    • Whose job will this be?
  • Don't ask customers to jump through hoops
    • How many steps can you take out of your purchase process to make it easier?
    • What are you making them do that you could do yourself?

How is your competition handling those same issues?


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