Monday, January 4, 2010

Google Android Phone - Here's Why Google Is Doing It

With the imminent release of the new Google branded and operated Nexus One phone, there has been a lot of speculation on why Google would bother with the hassle of running it's own phone instead of just using other operators and phone makers. Here's my take - Google understands that phones are no longer about telephone calls - they're about communication and entertainment. That's Google's arena - they understand that phones are replacing personal computers as the way that the world will connect to the internet, and Google wants to be right there at the forefront. Already the concept of NetBooks is outdated - why buy a specific device for using the internet when your phone can do it just as well?

There are rumors that they will be releasing an Operating System for PCs too - Google sees internet options being packaged with new PCs - when you buy your new PC you get 'suggestions' from the manufacturer about how to set your internet browser up - such as installing the Yahoo! toolbar. If these manufacturers are suggesting companies other than Google it could cause a loss in market share for Google. So, if Google runs the OS they can suggest Google products, plus set up PCs that will work perfectly with Google's suite of products, which include FREE document editing software, spreadsheet software, etc.

I'd say that Google is seeing a trend and making sure that they are ready to ride it.

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